Our Mission

To Streamline and Enrich the Apprentice's Initial Assessment Process

Empower your assessments with our cutting-edge solution! Utilizing state-of-the-art AI, cloud technology, and Data Analytics, we revolutionize the initial assessment process. Let our expertise ease your workload, making assessments more efficient and manageable. Experience seamless productivity like never before!

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coPrime's Initial Assessments by AI

Our product is built with the aim of streamlining the initial assessment and it uses the most innovative technology to help you.

Leveraging OpenAI for RPL Support

Utilize our AI engine to assess 'Recognised Prior Learning' (RPL). Share your feedback, and we will enhance OpenAI's suggestions based on your input.
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Funding and Data Analytics

Our software simplifies the complex process of funding calculations, easing your workload. Additionally, it employs Data Analytics to compare your data with the average, providing valuable insights.

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Compliance Assistance

Our software aids you in meeting Apprenticeship Services' compliance requirements. It ensures secure data storage with privileged access and export capabilities, enhancing your compliance efforts.
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Your data is protected and secure

Data is stored within Azure Databases, ensuring encryption, protection, and instant backup.

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No information shared with OpenAI

Only the apprenticeship standard details are sent to OpenAI. Please be assured that all personally identifiable information (PII) data remains private and confidential.

How we built it

Built in Azure and incorporating cutting-edge technology for optimal performance.

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Ensuring compliance

We assist you in adhering to compliance regulations and enable secure transmission of information to apprentices, employers, and assessors.

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Our dedication to transparency

We are deeply committed to openness and will provide clear information about the specific locations where your data is being utilized.